Ceejay’s Journey

Apprentice panel beater, Ceejay Coles.

“Apprentice panel beater Ceejay Coles has been with us just over 3 months now and has found working with us a challenging but rewarding experience,  in his words in the time spent with us, he has found that we work at a higher standard than his previous employment which he relishes due to the fact that he can get more pride out of the work that he produces.

Unfortunately Ceejay was released from his previous employer last year due to Covid, with previous employer having to make cuts so he was out of work for 3 months, he gave us a call and we replied by trialing him for 3 days.

In those three days Ceejay showed promise and enthusiasm for job.

This led us to take him on to further his development in his role and in the time working with us he has learned new skills”

Stewart Johnson – Production Manager Portsmouth